मित्र-द्रोह का फल - The Consequence of Betraying a Friend in Hindi
मित्र-द्रोह का फल
बहुत समय पहले की बात है, एक गांव में दो मित्र रहते थे – एक धर्मबुद्धि और दूसरा पापबुद्धि। धर्मबुद्धि एक नेक और समझदार व्यक्ति था, जबकि पापबुद्धि चालाक, स्वार्थी और कपटी था। पापबुद्धि ने सोचा कि धर्मबुद्धि की सरलता का फायदा उठाकर उसे धोखा दे सकता है।
एक दिन पापबुद्धि ने धर्मबुद्धि से कहा, “मित्र, चलो हम दोनों व्यापार करने के लिए विदेश चलें। वहाँ से अच्छा धन कमाकर लौटेंगे।” धर्मबुद्धि ने अपने मित्र की बात मान ली, और दोनों साथ में व्यापार के लिए दूसरे नगर की यात्रा पर निकल पड़े।
व्यापार में सफलता
दोनों मित्र व्यापार में काफी सफल रहे और उन्होंने अच्छा मुनाफा कमाया। अब वापस घर लौटने का समय आ गया। पापबुद्धि ने सोचा कि सारा धन खुद हड़पने के लिए कोई योजना बनानी चाहिए। उसने धर्मबुद्धि से कहा, “मित्र, हमें अपना सारा धन यहां जंगल में एक सुरक्षित जगह पर गाड़ देना चाहिए ताकि जब जरूरत पड़े, हम इसे निकाल सकें।”
धर्मबुद्धि ने इस पर सहमति जताई और दोनों ने धन को एक पेड़ के नीचे छिपा दिया। फिर वे अपने गांव लौट आए। पापबुद्धि ने सोचा कि वह एक दिन अकेले जाकर सारा धन चुरा लेगा और धर्मबुद्धि को धोखा देगा।
पापबुद्धि की चाल
कुछ दिन बाद, पापबुद्धि चुपचाप जंगल में गया और सारा धन निकाल लिया। फिर वह गांव वापस आ गया और धर्मबुद्धि के पास जाकर कहा, “मित्र, चलो देखते हैं कि हमारा धन सुरक्षित है या नहीं।” धर्मबुद्धि उसकी बात मान गया और दोनों जंगल में गए।
जब उन्होंने उस जगह को खोदा जहां धन गाड़ा था, तो वह गायब मिला। पापबुद्धि ने तुरंत धर्मबुद्धि पर आरोप लगाते हुए कहा, “तुमने सारा धन चुरा लिया है! तुमने मेरे साथ विश्वासघात किया है।”
धर्मबुद्धि ने आश्चर्य से कहा, “मैंने ऐसा कुछ नहीं किया। मुझे नहीं पता कि धन कहाँ गया।”
न्याय की तलाश
धर्मबुद्धि की सच्चाई पर पापबुद्धि ने विश्वास नहीं किया और गांव के पंचों के पास चलने को कहा। दोनों गांव के पंचों के पास पहुंचे और पापबुद्धि ने धर्मबुद्धि पर चोरी का आरोप लगाया। पंचों ने कहा, “अगर तुम निर्दोष हो, तो हम पेड़ के देवता से पूछ सकते हैं। देवता सच्चाई बताएंगे।”
पापबुद्धि ने पहले ही पेड़ के खोखले तने में अपने पिता को छिपा दिया था, जो देवता बनकर धर्मबुद्धि को दोषी ठहराएंगे।
पेड़ के देवता से न्याय की गुहार
अगले दिन, दोनों पंचों को लेकर उस पेड़ के पास पहुंचे। पापबुद्धि ने पेड़ के देवता से न्याय मांगते हुए कहा, “हे पेड़ के देवता, कृपया बताएं कि धन किसने चुराया है।”
पापबुद्धि के पिता ने पेड़ के अंदर से कहा, “धर्मबुद्धि ने धन चुराया है। वह दोषी है।”
धर्मबुद्धि को इस पर संदेह हुआ और उसने सोचा कि यह कोई धोखा है। उसने पंचों से कहा, “देवता से सही उत्तर पाने के लिए हमें पेड़ के चारों ओर अग्नि जलानी चाहिए।”
चालाकी का अंत
जैसे ही पेड़ के चारों ओर आग जलाई गई, पापबुद्धि के पिता धुएं से घबरा गए और पेड़ से बाहर कूद पड़े। यह देख पंच समझ गए कि पापबुद्धि और उसके पिता ने मिलकर झूठी साजिश रची थी।
पंचों ने पापबुद्धि को सजा दी, और धर्मबुद्धि को निर्दोष ठहराया।
नैतिक शिक्षा
इस कहानी से यह सीख मिलती है कि बुराई करने वाला व्यक्ति अंत में अपने जाल में ही फंसता है, जबकि सच्चाई और ईमानदारी की हमेशा जीत होती है।
The Consequence of Betraying a Friend
Once upon a time, in a village, there lived two friends — Dharmabuddhi (Righteous Mind) and Papabuddhi (Wicked Mind). Dharmabuddhi was a noble and wise person, while Papabuddhi was cunning, selfish, and deceitful. Papabuddhi thought he could take advantage of Dharmabuddhi's simplicity and betray him.
One day, Papabuddhi said to Dharmabuddhi, "Friend, let’s go to a foreign land for trade. We’ll make good money and return rich." Dharmabuddhi agreed, and both friends set off on their journey for business.
Success in Business
The two friends were successful in their trade and earned a good profit. It was now time to return home. Papabuddhi began to plot how he could take all the money for himself. He suggested to Dharmabuddhi, "Friend, we should bury our wealth in a safe spot in the forest so that we can retrieve it whenever needed."
Dharmabuddhi agreed, and both of them hid the money under a tree. They then returned to their village. Papabuddhi had a plan to return later and steal all the money, leaving Dharmabuddhi with nothing.
Papabuddhi’s Deception
A few days later, Papabuddhi secretly went to the forest and took all the buried money. He then returned to the village and approached Dharmabuddhi, saying, "Friend, let’s go and check if our money is safe." Dharmabuddhi agreed, and they went to the forest together.
When they dug up the spot where the money was buried, they found it gone. Immediately, Papabuddhi accused Dharmabuddhi, saying, "You stole all the money! You have betrayed me!"
Dharmabuddhi, shocked and confused, replied, "I did nothing of the sort. I have no idea where the money went."
Seeking Justice
Papabuddhi refused to believe Dharmabuddhi’s innocence and suggested they go to the village council (Panchayat) for justice. The two went to the Panchayat, and Papabuddhi accused Dharmabuddhi of theft. The council, trying to resolve the matter, said, "If you are innocent, we will ask the tree deity for the truth. The deity will reveal who the real thief is."
Papabuddhi, having already plotted a deception, had hidden his father inside the hollow trunk of the tree to act as the voice of the deity and falsely accuse Dharmabuddhi.
Appealing to the Tree Deity
The next day, the two friends, along with the village elders, arrived at the tree. Papabuddhi appealed to the tree deity, saying, "Oh, mighty tree deity, please reveal who stole the money."
Papabuddhi’s father, hidden inside the tree, responded, "Dharmabuddhi stole the money. He is guilty."
Dharmabuddhi, sensing that something was wrong, became suspicious. He suggested to the council, "To ensure we get the true answer, let’s light a fire around the tree."
The End of Deception
As soon as the fire was lit around the tree, Papabuddhi’s father, suffocated by the smoke, jumped out of the hollow trunk. Seeing this, the council immediately realized that Papabuddhi and his father had conspired to deceive everyone with a false accusation.
The Panchayat punished Papabuddhi for his deceit and declared Dharmabuddhi innocent.
Moral of the Story
This story teaches that those who commit evil and betray others will eventually fall into their own trap, while truth and honesty always prevail.
Once upon a time, in a village, there lived two friends — Dharmabuddhi (Righteous Mind) and Papabuddhi (Wicked Mind). Dharmabuddhi was a noble and wise person, while Papabuddhi was cunning, selfish, and deceitful. Papabuddhi thought he could take advantage of Dharmabuddhi's simplicity and betray him.
One day, Papabuddhi said to Dharmabuddhi, "Friend, let’s go to a foreign land for trade. We’ll make good money and return rich." Dharmabuddhi agreed, and both friends set off on their journey for business.
Success in Business
The two friends were successful in their trade and earned a good profit. It was now time to return home. Papabuddhi began to plot how he could take all the money for himself. He suggested to Dharmabuddhi, "Friend, we should bury our wealth in a safe spot in the forest so that we can retrieve it whenever needed."
Dharmabuddhi agreed, and both of them hid the money under a tree. They then returned to their village. Papabuddhi had a plan to return later and steal all the money, leaving Dharmabuddhi with nothing.
Papabuddhi’s Deception
A few days later, Papabuddhi secretly went to the forest and took all the buried money. He then returned to the village and approached Dharmabuddhi, saying, "Friend, let’s go and check if our money is safe." Dharmabuddhi agreed, and they went to the forest together.
When they dug up the spot where the money was buried, they found it gone. Immediately, Papabuddhi accused Dharmabuddhi, saying, "You stole all the money! You have betrayed me!"
Dharmabuddhi, shocked and confused, replied, "I did nothing of the sort. I have no idea where the money went."
Seeking Justice
Papabuddhi refused to believe Dharmabuddhi’s innocence and suggested they go to the village council (Panchayat) for justice. The two went to the Panchayat, and Papabuddhi accused Dharmabuddhi of theft. The council, trying to resolve the matter, said, "If you are innocent, we will ask the tree deity for the truth. The deity will reveal who the real thief is."
Papabuddhi, having already plotted a deception, had hidden his father inside the hollow trunk of the tree to act as the voice of the deity and falsely accuse Dharmabuddhi.
Appealing to the Tree Deity
The next day, the two friends, along with the village elders, arrived at the tree. Papabuddhi appealed to the tree deity, saying, "Oh, mighty tree deity, please reveal who stole the money."
Papabuddhi’s father, hidden inside the tree, responded, "Dharmabuddhi stole the money. He is guilty."
Dharmabuddhi, sensing that something was wrong, became suspicious. He suggested to the council, "To ensure we get the true answer, let’s light a fire around the tree."
The End of Deception
As soon as the fire was lit around the tree, Papabuddhi’s father, suffocated by the smoke, jumped out of the hollow trunk. Seeing this, the council immediately realized that Papabuddhi and his father had conspired to deceive everyone with a false accusation.
The Panchayat punished Papabuddhi for his deceit and declared Dharmabuddhi innocent.
Moral of the Story
This story teaches that those who commit evil and betray others will eventually fall into their own trap, while truth and honesty always prevail.
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